In-House and Mobile Massage Services in Buckhead, Metro Atlanta, GA

Located at 300 West Wieuca Road Northeast, 214, Buckhead, Atlanta.




Manny Wellness is dedicated to your health and wellbeing! My mission is to elevate the health and wellness of our community through the incredible benefits of massage therapy and physical fitness.  I celebrate the beautiful diversity of my clients and ensure that every session is custom-tailored to meet your individual massage needs.

Relaxation, rejuvenation, and feeling great—it’s time to let your body do what it loves: relax. Before your massage, you can relax before our session while we discuss your goals. I will take notes on any preferences or conditions that may affect the massage. You are welcome to speak up during the massage if you want me to adjust my focus or pressure at any time. If this is your first massage or if it’s been a while since your last one, some soreness afterward is normal. Drinking plenty of water can help flush out toxins that were released during the massage.

About Manny

Welcome! My name is Manny Smiles and I’m the CEO and founder of Wellness Manny Mobile Massage (WMMM). As a wellness professional with over 11 years of experience and medical training, I believe that giving the body proper care facilitates self-healing. WMMM was started with an awareness that fast-paced living can harm the body. Genuine love for people and the goal to help them was the driving force behind starting his own company. Compassion for people, linked with curiosity for the body’s reaction to stimuli, motivates him to stay in tune with the latest therapeutic treatments.

I am National Certified, a member of ABMP, and FSMTB certified and studied at University of Central Lancashire England.

I have a passion for educating clients. Throughout our work together, I share a trove of information with my clients to empower them to meet healthier mobility. Through patience and dedication, I am proud to have grown a loyal client base by addressing client concerns from head to toe. WMMM continues to be an essential aid in keeping self-care a priority coupled with the convenience of Wellness Manny Mobile Massage in their lives.

Massage Services Available

Get in Touch


300 West Wieuca Road Northeast, 214, Buckhead, Atlanta, Georgia

P: 404.528.0946